Jewelry by Mirinda: Welcome to my blog on life and creativity

Blog photo courtesy of photographer Barbara Tyroler

Monday, June 7, 2010

Big Corporate Brother is Watching ME

From the annals of the far-fetched:  I have an etsy store (the online shopping free-for-all) and one of my postings is titled "Coco Chanel Revisited," because I made a quadruple strand necklace with some vintage chain and pearls.  It is not a copy of any Chanel product, but I thought it looked Chanel-ish, hence the title.  As it happens, etsy notified me that it had received notice from Chanel Inc. that my listing constituted copyright infringement, and so etsy removed the listing from my shop.  I had no idea I was such a huge threat to a multi-national corporation. That's life in the theater of the absurd.

Here's a photo of the offending necklace.  Bad necklace!

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